SLIDES 1 to 19
1 Skeletal muscle / Muscle squelettique (H-E)

67323 x 32368 @ 40X
2 Pharynx-Larynx / Pharynx-Larynx (Verhoff)

125028 x 68697 @ 40X
3 Pharynx-Larynx / Pharynx-Larynx (Masson)

108678 x 79763 @ 40X
4 Skin (lip) / Peau (lèvre) (H-E)

64020 x 24157 @ 40X
5 Skin / Peau (Verhoff)

65399 x 18361 @ 40X
6 Skin / Peau (H-E)

48000 x 29695 @ 40X
7 Oesophagus and Trachea / Œsophage et trachée (H-E)

92328 x 61134 @ 40X
8 Pituitary gland / Glande pituitaire (Masson)

54820 x 33341 @ 40X
9 Parathyroid gland / Glande parathyroïde (H-E)

17224 x 27323 @ 40X
10 Lung / Poumon (H-E)

70208 x 38589 @ 40X
11 Areolar tissue / Tissu aréolaire (Masson)

76940 x 25102 @ 40X
12 Muscle and Tendon / Muscle et tendon (H-E)

105793 x 52868 @ 40X
13 Nerve (longitudinal section) Nerf (coupe longitudinale) (H-E)

50011 x 21734 @ 40X
14 Elastic cartilage / Cartilage élastique (Verhoff)

151191 x 60072 @ 40X
15 Head of a pig embryo / Tête d’un embryon de porc (Masson)

42317 x 45795 @ 40X
16 Tongue (monkey) / Langue (singe) (H-E)

76940 x 52391 @ 40X
17 Epiphysis (long bone) / Épiphyse (os long) (H-E)

113490 x 50309 @ 40X
18 Femur (monkey; cross section) / Fémur (singe; coupe transversale) (H-E)

74055 x 55698 @ 40X
19 Intervertebral disk / Disque intervertébral (H-E)

83250 x 31608 @ 40X